Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Hey guys, i just popped in to say hi. I am almost through with my lectures so i would be back soon.

Today they talked about exams and to tell you the truth i was scared. I have never been scared of exams before. But i realised that i don't have to be. If i am i might not be able to understand what i am reading. I have decided to read to understand and read to be a better pharmacist and not for exams anymore.

Have you answered my giveaway question? One person has already gotten her phone airtime. I am waiting for the second person to claim her prize. So that remains the last slot. I said the 1st, 3rd and 5th people to get it would win it. So you need to get the answer and also be the 1st, 3rd and 5th person. Hurry up and try to win the last airtime. Check here

So on tuesday i tried something new on facebook and the results were and are still amazing. I don't know why i had not tried it earlier. Oh well, better late than never. What did i do? I would let you all know in a couple of days. The experiment is ongoing and would end soon so then i would gist you all. Till then continue showing me some love.

Thanks guys for all your support.

Luv ya,
Petite Diva


  1. Hiya mami....okay so now I am curious to see what this experiment of yours is bout....fingers crossed eh...

  2. Hmnnnn....*arms folded* what have you done o....I need to know waiting. About your exams just calm down....chilll....everything would be fine. Hehehe

    1. Thanks dear. I am going to super chill. I would let you know what I have been up to.


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