A reality blog about the adventures and musings of a fab petite diva and drama queen....
Saturday, November 30, 2013
I am getting ready to sue blackberry for forcing me to upgrade my BBM and causing me so much emotional stress. I had to upgrade my BBM since they removed my old BBM without telling me and now i am having some serious problems with the messenger.
I am really pissed. I don't like it. It is too complicated and not fun at all. I am still trying to understand what they were thinking. I feel the person that designed the messenger should be hanged upside down! It is so annoying. I wish i could downgrade to the old BBM. I am not enjoying it at all and i know i am not the only one complaining. They keep telling me to finish something and fill something. I don't know what they mean, i download now it is on my phone, so what is the extra English for?
I don't know if there is a petition that i can sign so that Blackberry or RIM can allow us to have the old BBM back. I doubt that though so until then i would fantasize that i can sue them for 100 million dollars for causing me emotional damage and wasting my precious time.
That is all folks. I am trying to reduce the amount of internet data i use because i am not ready to pay for another plan just yet by not browsing a lot.
Thanks for reading.
Luv ya,
Petite Diva.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
So today is Thanksgiving
Day in United States of America and in the spirit of the holiday (there) I decided
to write on a few things that I am grateful for.
1. I am grateful for my
profession. I am blessed to be able to call myself a pharmacist. Going to
pharmacy school was not easy and even practicing has not been easy but God has
given me the grace to cope. I believe that pharmacy in Nigeria would greatly improve soon.
I am thankful for my Job. I
may not be earning half a million naira or a million naira a month but I earn
what is sufficient for me and my family. I have not had to want for anything and I love what I
do. Not a lot of people can say that.
I am grateful for my
friends both offline and online. Yes, I have had to cut some from my life but it
has been part of God’s plans to make me go higher in life. After I had to cut
some, the reasons why it had to be so was revealed to me months after when I had
stopped sulking. Like I said, everything working for my good uhn? And i have also gained some great friends.
I am grateful for my
family. As dysfunctional and weird as we are, I am grateful that we are all
alive and well, a lot of people would love their family members to be alive but
that is not so. I know things would get better in time.
I am grateful for the gift
of writing. It took me 26years to know that I love writing. I know I am not
perfect but I do know I love it and one day i would be able to write things
that would inspire people to strive to be the best that they can be.
I am grateful for this blog
and for you my readers. If I didn’t get positive feedback and see the amount of
page views that this blog receives I would
probably have stopped writing a long time ago. Thank you so much for coming to
check out what I have written every day.
I am grateful for my
menses. Yes, you read right. I am grateful that every month I bleed. If you
have been reading this blog for a long time you would have read where I wrote
that the doctors said I had hyperprolactinemia. If you google
hyperprolactinemia, you would see that one of the symptoms is that I should not
bleed every month but God proved the doctors wrong. A doctor friend said that I
am the ‘atypical’ patient, that even though my prolactin is high I am still
having regular periods but I would still need to take drugs when I want to get
pregnant. But to that I say, since I am having regular (over regular sef)
periods I am going to have plenty kids without any pharmacological help. I am
going to be the most exceptional case that they have ever seen
I am thankful for how well
this year has been. I was able to go on my first international trip (with my
own money), was able to donate loads of stuff on my birthday like I have always dreamed
of doing and was able to achieve so many other dreams. It is amazing how
blessed I have been this year.
I am extremely thankful for
my life. I have fallen sick with malaria, flu, food poisoning, been on the road
for so many hours, been suspended for about 12 hours in the air when flying and
I am still alive. Some people just had headache and died, some felt weak and
slumped and died. You never know how blessed you are until you work in a
hospital. It is not easy coming to work early in the morning and seeing a body
wrapped in clothes outside the ward waiting for the guys from the mortuary and
know that the body belongs to a child of probably 8years old or less. Or staying in the
pharmacy and hearing the sounds of someone giving up the ghost or hearing
screams from relatives because someone just died. Or seeing someone who smells
like burnt meat because an oil tanker caught fire and you know that person
would be dead in less than 1 week and the person actually dies. I could go on
and on but I think I should stop, I have started remembering cases where we
struggled to make people live and they still died and it is making me cry right now. I am
just grateful that I am alive and well.
I have so many more reasons to be
thankful but I think I should stop there. So guys, what are you thankful for?
Thanks for stopping by. Happy Thanksgiving.....
Luv ya,
Petite Diva.
P.S: Click here to participate in the ongoing giveaway, you could win a lovely prize. Guys and girls are invited.....
P.S: Click here to participate in the ongoing giveaway, you could win a lovely prize. Guys and girls are invited.....
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Hey guys, before I start to
write about the details of my wash day I just have to tell you about the three
things of great importance that happened today.
One: A consultant in
the Endocrinology department of my hospital saw me today with my in-charge and greeted
me (after greeting my in-charge of course), then you won’t believe what he said next. He said that I had put up a picture
of him and my madam on the net. And I was like ‘what?!’. I was shocked and
started wondering when I put up a picture of him then I remembered that I had a
blog and I had put up a picture of him in this post (a post i had written last week). I was stunned after I realized
that for him to have said that, it meant that he had checked out my blog. I
could literally not close my mouth. I couldn’t and can’t still believe it. How
did he get to know about my blog? I still don’t know the answer. Anyway, it just means my blog is going places….whoop!
whoop!!....lol. Thank you sir for visiting my blog....
Two: I joined a Whatsapp hair
chat group (hairlista) today……another Whoop! Whoop!! I was invited by Stella aka Ghlong of
Ghlonghair.blogspot.com. Check out her blog for everything hair, you would
seriously learn a lot.
Three: It is official!
Someone is looking for my trouble o. I am on call AGAIN on Christmas Day.
This is the 3rd time I am on call on Christmas day since I started
working here, the only time I was not on call on Christmas day, I was placed on call
on boxing day. Like someone should please give me a break! I am so angry right
now but also calm because there is this feeling that I have that makes me so
sure that I would never be put on Christmas calls ever again.
Now that I am through with
my non hair related rambling, let’s get down to it. I washed my hair on Sunday,
I did a heavy protein treatment as I was trying to prep my hair for my planned weave fixing.
PREPOO: I prepooed with my
oil mix (warmed) on my scalp and Emily millionaire’s coconut oil cream on my
hair strands. Covered with a plastic bag and 2 shower caps and let it on for
SHAMPOO: I shampooed with a
shampoo-conditioner mix I had made a long time ago. I made this mix simply by
mixing equal quantity of shampoo and normal conditioner. I washed twice and my
hair felt stripped. It was my first time experiencing such, weird. I guess I have
never felt such before because I always wash once except with the black soap.
Don’t think I would try washing twice again, I don’t like the way my hair felt.
my protein treatment using 2 teaspoons of food mayonnaise, 1 egg yolk, added
about half a teaspoon of my daily moisturising oil mix (I have 2 types of oil
mix, please don’t ask me what is inside cos I can’t remember…*smile*), about 10
drops of neem oil (just got it on a wimp and trying to see what it does, maybe I
should research its hair benefits though the medicinal benefit of Neem tree is
its antimalarial property) and about a teaspoon of organics hair mayonnaise.
That is where things went wrong. Maybe I shouldn’t say wrong, it just went
somehow. My creamy thick mix became
TEA RINSE: after rinsing
off the protein treatment with water, I rinsed with my strawberry flavoured
tea. I allowed the tea to drain off then wrapped with a micro fibre towel to
soak some of the water running off.
organics olive oil deep conditioner that I mixed with honey on my hair, covered
with a plastic bag, 2 shower caps, my mother’s old conditioning cap and left on
for 1 hour.
I rinsed off with cold
water, wrapped in a micro fibre towel for about 10 minutes and placed my hair in a
bun because I had to rush outside to get airtime because as I was uploading a
post I discovered that my internet data had finished. That would mean that I finished
3.81GB in 8 days!! This is getting saddening. I used to struggle to finish 3 GB
in 1 month now I have used up 12.9GB this month and the month is not yet over…..*wailing*
I seriously need another source of income ooooo. I can’t keep up with this o.
With my internet and phone, I am sure that I am spending close to 15 thousand
naira on credit! That is outrageous and I am seriously not finding it funny o.
This blog has got to pay for itself!
Anyway I came back and
loosened the bun, the hair was about 40% dried, I applied my new Vitale Olive
oil anti breakage leave in conditioner then waited for my hair to dry some more
before using my profectiv break-free leave in conditioner. I moisturised with
profectiv growth lotion, sealed with my oil and T444Z hair food and my whipped
shea butter mix, detangled and placed my hair in a bun.
So folks that was how my wash day
went, I suffered very minimal hair breakage. I should probably do a review of the Vitale
leave in conditioner after I have used it for a while. I ended up fixing the
weave today instead of yesterday, I would upload pictures of my hair tomorrow.
Thanks you all for stopping
by, hope you enjoyed today’s post. I am sorry that I didn’t put up so much
pictures I was too busy doing too many things at the same time to take
For newcomers to this blog,
there is a giveaway competition going on right now. Please check here to be
able to participate. Bye for now.
Luv ya,
Petite Diva…
Sunday, November 24, 2013
I went to a burial yesterday (my fourth burial in total and my 2nd ibibio burial), the deceased person was 105 years (what! i wonder what he was eating) and the father to a senior colleague. There was so much to eat and i now understood why they spend so much on burial and it makes them keep a dead body for so long before they can bury them (the deceased died in January and was being buried in November).
Anyway as i am now a mini paparazzi i took some pictures not only of the event but of course of me and also of my colleagues that attended. I hope you enjoy viewing the pictures.
To see more pictures of my outfit, please check out http://medicsfashion.blogspot.com. I would be posting my pictures there. Unfortunately i don't know the name of where we went to (it has Iman in it) but it was a fun day after all. Rain almost spoiled the day and we missed the first bus going there.
Thanks for checking out my blog. Have a blessed week.
Luv ya,
Petite Diva
P.S: Be sure to participate in my first giveaway, check here
Anyway as i am now a mini paparazzi i took some pictures not only of the event but of course of me and also of my colleagues that attended. I hope you enjoy viewing the pictures.
Hands in da air....whoop! whoop!! |
If you don't know that i like to pose by now, then you are seriously not checking out this blog.... |
Namesakes and colleagues, medics in the house.... |
The environs |
The corpse passing by to the graveside |
I had to change to flats, my legs were wobbly in the heels |
I know, i know, i am a fine geh......lol |
To see more pictures of my outfit, please check out http://medicsfashion.blogspot.com. I would be posting my pictures there. Unfortunately i don't know the name of where we went to (it has Iman in it) but it was a fun day after all. Rain almost spoiled the day and we missed the first bus going there.
Thanks for checking out my blog. Have a blessed week.
Luv ya,
Petite Diva
P.S: Be sure to participate in my first giveaway, check here
Friday, November 22, 2013
Yep, it is that time. I
promised to have a giveaway competition to thank you guys for visiting my blog
and causing it to have 10000 page views. I know for some people who just
started blogging and have a lot of views already it might not seem so that much
of a big deal to you but it is to me.
I started this blog in 2010
and I was not consistent in blogging at all. It was either I was having writer’s
block, too busy or I was having the worst network ever or I couldn’t afford to
pay for my internet or I was too lazy. However within the last 2 months i saw the
page views increase from 7000 to more than 10000. I actually thought it would
reach 10000 views by December ending because I didn’t think lots of people wanted
to read my blog but you all showed me that I was wrong. I am so grateful guys.
So in appreciation of your
love towards me, I am having this giveaway competition. The rules are simple:
Answer the simple questions
I ask. Answers to the questions are either in some posts or somewhere on the
front page of the blog.
You need to be living in
Nigeria. I won’t be able to send the prize to you if you are outside Nigeria.
You need to leave your name
and sex when you leave your answers since there is a gift for my guy readers
and also for my girl readers.
Here are the questions:
Navy, Army or Air force?
What kind of girl am i?
What is my favorite T.V series?
What is my favorite
Apart from writing, what
other hobbies do I have?
I work as a ……………. from 9-5 (or should I say 8-5)
What tribe was I born into?
I grew up in which state
and what state do I work in? (2 questions in one, sorry)
That is all. Guys, have fun
answering the questions. I know they are so cheap right? I wish you all the
best of luck.
Now here are the pictures
of what I would be offering. For the lucky male reader, i am giving away a body wash/deodorant combo by
Old Spice..
For the lucky female reader, I would be
giving out what I call ‘my moisturising essentials’. It consists of
profectiv’s growth lotion and growth oil and also my specially made ‘whipped
shea butter mix’. This three items are essential in ensuring that your hair
stays moisturised all day.
Sorry that there is no picture of the shea butter mix but that is always freshly prepared before a supply.... |
I hope you are as excited
as I am. The competition would last till the 4th of December and I should
announce the winners by 6th of December. Please guys invite people
to take part in the competition, the more the merrier. Maybe I would make a
tradition to have a giveaway competition for every 10000 views.
Thanks for stopping by.
Luv ya,
Petite Diva.
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