Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Chelsea defender Gary Cahill celebrates in front of the travelling supporters after opening the scoring for the Premier League outfit
Gary Cahill
Brazil international Willian was on the scene to congratulate Cahill following his 20th-minute opener against the Israeli outfit 
Willian and Cahill
Shame to bad people o......All those praying for the downfall of Chelsea, your prayers would not work. Even though Chelsea has had a rough time lately, we are still champions and champions never give up no matter what.

In a match against Maccabi Tel Aviv, my Chelsea football club boys.....Gary Cahill, Willian, Oscar and Zouma did us proud by scoring goals.Even though we played on a terrible pitch and one of the Maccabi players tried to hack Diego Costa and got sent off (serves him right), we won......Yaaay....

Check out more pictures:

The England international celebrates after opening the scoring in the Group G clash within the first 20 minutes of the encounter in Israel

Former Chelsea defender Tal Ben Haim sees red after a late tackle by the former Premier League centre back on Diego Costa
Please someone should tell me why he is opening his eyes like that.......

Chelsea playmaker Oscar celebrates with the ball under his shirt as he looks to the sky in celebration of his 77th minute goal
Oscar is

Cahill (far left) is congratulated by his Chelsea team-mates, including Cesc Fabregas who gives his the Englishman a high five 
And that is how you do it boys.....
Don't mess with my boys....

This is just the beginning! Watch out world, Chelsea is on a roll......

Thanks for stopping by....

Luv ya,
Petite Diva....

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