Hey guys, it is another
episode of my beloved Diva’s ramblings…..lol. It is a post where I talk about
everything on my mind without a clearly defined topic.
So a couple of my friends
recently got engaged or are preparing for their wedding, some recently gave birth
and some are pregnant. So with all that is going on right now I was reminded
that I am not where I thought I would be . I had a couple of bad days especially
when my mum left, it took a whole lot of prayer, a small exercise of counting
my blessings, eating junk food and watching movies to get me back to my preppy
self. I am okay with my journey so far and I am appreciative of the vision that
God has placed in me even if I am not there right now.
My mum recently got a phone
that can whatsapp and after a load of ‘don’t subscribe to anything for me o’
and ‘what did you do to my phone’ and ‘I didn’t send you message o’, she is
enjoying the whatsapp app and claims to be pinging when she is sending me a message…lol.
We just came back from a
warning strike and are warming up for an indefinite one but I seriously doubt
the strike would hold. After 3 days of total lock up, even some community
pharmacies in Oyo were said to have participated in the strike from 8am -1pm (a
first in Nigeria, private pharmacies and pharmacists don’t participate in
strikes), I seriously doubt federal government wants a repeat of that. I was asked to
come to the hospital during the strike and I refused. The A and E pharmacy was
being run by the corp members and our 'green horn' interns and I was not going to
set my ‘Cinderella sized feet’ on the hospital grounds during the strike. At least we
were considerate in opening the pharmacies and making our interns work.
I have been sent links to 2
articles that a ‘supposed’ journalist (Sahfeeyah Musa) lounging sorry that should be living in United
Arab Emirate wrote on the issues troubling the healthcare system. When I got the
link to the first article I read the whole thing and partly wish I didn’t. The
article was totally flawed and biased. I wished I didn’t because I lost 3
minutes of my time reading the article. So when the link to the second part of
the article was sent to me, I said to myself ‘what more does she have to say?’.
And I was right, the second part
full of blunders. She was comparing the salaries of doctors to other
care professionals and decided that it was right to compare the salaries
doctors who are consultants to the salaries of entry level pharmacists
like me and
other healthcare professionals. When I read that part, I knew something
off only for me to read comments made by people and my feeling were
justified. I decided to
investigate further and found out that the salaries for the different
specialties in medicine were different. And I am like hmmmm, I didn’t
hear anybody say
anything about that o. People keep comparing themselves to their
in the U.S for more money but don’t talk about the different salaries
get. Here is the link to the second article, i am sure some of you would
get a kick out of it. So by all means knock yourselves out....Click here.
Anyway why I said I partly
wished I didn’t read her articles was because even though she was wrong in most
of her points, she also said something that spurred me to research on a topic
more. The issue of surgeon general has stirred a lot of trouble lately. One part was
saying it was meant for doctors, another part said it could be headed by other
healthcare professionals too. On conducting my research, I found out that there
were two types. The one in the army and the one that was in charge of the
public health service corps. The one in the army can be headed by anybody in
the healthcare team (the present US army Surgeon general is a Nurse..... Go
Nurses!) and the other one is headed by a physician who is totally knowledgeable
in public health and is totally involved (not one that has been working in
obstetrics and gynecology unit of a hospital and is chosen to head it because
a set of people decide that he is valuable to them achieving their purpose of world domination.....*justkidding*). I
also noticed that all the US surgeon general were also military and that most
of them had either studied or worked as other healthcare professionals. If
anybody doubts me, google is your friend. Do your own research.
I have not written
extensively about the issue because I want to compare the duties of the
proposed Nigerian Surgeon General and that of the US surgeon general. I totally
love the ideals and duties of the Office of the US Surgeon General but
something tells me and I am positive beyond any doubt that the proposed duties
of the Nigerian Surgeon General is waaaaayyyyy different. However I don’t have
any proof yet because as with most things concerning the NMA I can’t find it
online yet. But there is someone who has offered to publish the proposed bill
and I hope then I would be able to write my thoughts. Till then i would keep my positivity to myself.
I am on a personal
challenge not to respond to people’s nonsense anymore. I tend to speak my mind
whenever I detect a load of crap coming from somebody but I am trying to shut
up more now. It is not easy but I am trying to count to 30 before I speak. How
well have I fared since I started? Not so good I am afraid but I would keep on
trying. However I feel that by not saying what I feel is the truth no matter
what, I may be cheating myself and lying to the other person. Oh well, it is
all about balance I guess.
Well I think that is all
for now folks. I am on call and I have documentation to do. I used to write a
detailed call report after my call but after the person in charge wrote
something I didn’t think was necessary I have decided not to write anything
anymore. Is that like shutting up or like being stubborn in another
way?.....lol Anyway I ain’t writing it and I am sure he is going to be shocked.
Thanks for stopping by. And
this is a shout out to the reader (i didn't get her name) that called me yesterday asking for advice on
an acne medication that I used. Thanks for calling me. It made my day cos it
means that people are actually reading my blog and enjoy what I write. It made me
feel like a star. Anyway apparently CLEAREX 10 is scarce (I just discovered
that too) and according to a professional colleague it has been scarce for a while
so the alternative being used that seems to be quite effective is CLEARZIT. I
haven’t used it yet but I trust my friend’s judgement and I am on the lookout
for it too as my clearex has finished and I am getting some annoying hormonal zits on my
Gotta run…… Oh! I forgot to
tell you guys. Yesterday was my induction anniversary. I was inducted into the
Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria 5 years ago yesterday. I am grateful because it has been God all
the way…
Luv ya,
Petite Diva….
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