Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I recently posted something on my facebook page and I was told to keep some stuff to myself. That led me to wonder if I was talking a bit too much. I love writing (strange I just discovered that). I guess in my bid to make my life seem sooooo fabulously interesting I have gone overboard in being a drama queen.

But would that stop me from writing what I feel like and what I think? HELL NO! I would definitely reduce the drama and be more constructive but not stiff. I have enough stiffness at work, thank you! I am not about to make my escape therapy stiff and lacking pizzazz.

I love writing on my blog and I intend to keep doing it when the inspiration to write comes. I am not a perfect writer and I hope to be able to perfect my writing skills with this blog. Writing my thoughts and what happens to me helps me relieve tension and is like psychotherapy for me.

And now that the boyfriend and I are going on a new adventure (one that was forced on us), I intend to write what I encounter in this adventure and hopefully it would help someone out there too.

This entry is really short but it has to be cos I am really busy. I need to surf the net for some serious info.

Lots of luv, Petite Diva.

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