Yep! Folks! I am back! It has been a loooooonnnnnggggggg time but I have a good explanation for my absence.
In the month of April/May, I was preparing for my presentation on sickle cell anemia and could not write cos all i could think of was SCA (sickle cell anemia). I eventually presented on the 9th of May and I am grateful to God that I didn’t enter the ground even with my HOD being present. The presentation was ok but i wish i did better. Oh well, till next time.
After the presentation I have tried to get internet connection but the useless network MTN that I have been using keeps messing me up. After paying for my internet bundle, I have been unable to access the internet. The connection is so terrible, I am about to throw away the modem.
I had to get an AIRTEL modem which is looking promising and their data bundles are quite flexible. Hopefully I won’t have to send Boko Haram to their office because i really hope that they would be so much better than those thieves called MTN.
So what has been happening in my life lately? Hmmmmm, let me try to recap. Ok, so I am in the beginning of something with a guy (obviously), had a presentation (my first since i left school, have a wonderful twitter friend/friend (he is really incredible, guys) and I am seriously trying not to break the head of the pharmacist in charge of my unit.
I have gotten to a point where it is either he leaves or I leave the unit. I love what I do but I won’t stand for being used like a house girl. You are a pharmacist; I am a pharmacist and not your maid. It is so annoying! He claims he trusts me that is the reason he keeps sending me about. I just don’t believe him, PERIOD!!
I know you are all eager to know something about the guy. Well, till I get a ring on my finger, I ain’t saying much about this guy. Why? I have learnt that you can’t be sure of anybody you are dating anymore. I thought I was sure about the last guy and we all know how that ended up.
However I would just tell you all this: He is a friend I have known for technically over 16 years. How? We went to the same school and were classmates. Should I tell you more? Hmmm, maybe I will. Ok, ok, he is in the military. which one? I ain't saying. I know, I know, it is strange that after my piece on my military boys he came into my life.
I don’t know where the relationship is heading to and I have been seriously fretting about going a bit further into it. However I have decided that I ain’t fretting anymore. It is in God’s hands so there is no reason for me to loose sleep over it. If we eventually make it to the altar, I would definitely let you guys know by putting up the engagement and wedding pix here but that is all I am saying for now.
I gotta run now. I have really missed writing and you guys. Hey! Did you miss me? I know a lot of you did (even if you won’t admit it……lol).
Luv ya,
Petite Diva
:O OMOWUNMI!!! I am so impressed, someone from school?! Amebor session later on. I pray it works out for the best. Amen.