Saturday, February 23, 2013


On February 14th, a popular Nigerian singer died. I am not a fan of her but it was quite shocking to hear that she had died and just some hours after she returned from the United States. However the events that unfolded after her death was more shocking. The artist was married and for almost 8 years. She had never behaved like she was married and she had stylishly denied that she was married. I don’t know her reason for hiding the fact that she was married but her case just proves that you cannot vouch for anybody. You can only vouch for yourself. So many people have secrets that you don’t know about.

So the diva would be a year older on the 4th of March…….Yipee! I am planning to something before that day, I won’t talk about it now but would let you all know what it is after it has been done and I would try to post pictures.

I have been trying to get rid of my madam’s dandruff and I think that I have succeeded…..Yay! It has been almost a month of applying diluted apple cider vinegar, moisturizers and virgin hair fertilizer. She hasn’t removed her kinky twist but I think that at least 95% of her dandruff is gone. Now on to the next goal, that is length retention and reduction of breakage and shedding. I want to use my madam’s hair for an experiment (shhhh.....don't tell her that). I want to see if I do all that I am doing to my hair to her relaxed hair if she can retain about 5 inches of hair in a year. She has about 8-9 inches of hair so if she retains 5 inches more that would be about 13-14 inches, that is almost armpit length……cool.

I am still single and boyfriend-less and I am cool with it. However there are some days I just feel a little bit sad. I have been surrounded by pregnant friends, friends giving birth and babies lately and I think it is getting to me. I know that I am not fully ready for pregnancy but I can’t help wishing I had a kid……….#sadface.

Oh! About 5 days ago, I made my first skype call……..yay! I called my friends in South Africa and Australia. It was nice seeing their faces even though they couldn’t see mine because I had to turn that aspect off because of my poor internet network………#hiss. However it was really nice to be able to skype …..finally!

I am thinking of going to Obudu cattle resort but the whole thing is looking very costly. I never knew that the rooms cost that much and a meal should cost around 5 thousand naira. If I am going to go there I must make sure my typical ‘bird’ eating habit must stop. I must finish everything and ask for extra sef…….lol. But I think I should save and give myself a threat later on this year (by God’s Grace). i have been in Uyo for almost 3 years i must go because i could leave soon who knows.

Oh! The presentation topics for my department is out and i am supposed to present twice this year......sobbing. My topics are 'Anaemias' and 'Glaucoma'. I had better start preparing for it 'cos i gotta rock at the presentations.

I guess that is enough rambling for today. Hope to write very soon.

Luv ya,
Petite Diva.

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