Tuesday, December 22, 2015


So it is time for another lazy geh post and as usually the pictures come from my phone. I just spent about 20 minutes deleting over 300 pictures from my phone and i still need to delete more. All the whatsapp group i am currently in are not helping my phone storage at all...

Since i have finally decided to loosen my over 3 months braids and i know the damage that i might have caused i needed to remind myself of good hair practice. I am sure that some of you would have screamed and said 'you carried your braids for 3 months?!' However i had no choice.

If someone had told me that i would one day have braids on for 3 months and i would even be reluctant to remove it, i would have told the person that it is impossible. But when you are able to make really tiny amazing braids for less than £20 and then you are told to make short big braids that won't be as beautiful as the ones made in Nigeria for over £50, you would be totally forced to extend your braids life. But i have to loosen it before i cause serious damage to my hair that is why the braids are coming off.

Anyway here are some pictures i selected, i hope it helps someone....

I am not yet through loosening my hair but i do hope it is redeemable because i only washed the hair once throughout the 3 months. It is not my fault! I wanted to make sure that it didn't look too unkempt so there was minimal touching of the hair throughout the months. Anyway hopefully the hair would not be too bad.

I am not happy today. Central Bank of Nigeria has decided that Nigerian ATM cards cannot be used outside Nigeria for now. I am totally discouraged because i need to pay my remaining tuition fees and the money is supposed to be paid into my Nigerian account. I have no clue what to do and to make matters worse i have forgotten the password to my online banking platform so i can't even transfer the money to another account. I am in big trouble! I really don't know what to do.

I am seriously trying to understand the rationale behind this new policy. I have been telling myself to calm down, that it would be okay but it is not working. I am still panicky and sad. God help me...

I have to go now. Thanks for stopping by....

Luv ya,
Petite Diva

P.S: After my finger was starting to heal, i cut it again. At that same spot! Fortunately the cut this time was small so it stopped bleeding within a short time. I wonder what is wrong with me and that knife.....SMH at myself......lol

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